Fed up with long, formal video calls that zap your energy? Try Slack Huddles! They are quick audio-video calls that let you connect with 50 colleagues at once, creating a fun work scene.
Keen to explore the world of Slack Huddles? Let's crack the secret on how to use Slack Huddle efficiently!
To kick off a huddle, click or tap on the headphones icon. This is found in your channel or direct message. For the keyboard wizards, you can use the shortcuts ⌘ Shift H (macOS) and Ctrl Shift H (Windows). The steps are a bit different depending on the device you are using. Here’s how to fire up a huddle:
Entering a huddle is simple. Click the headphones picture in the channel or private message, accept an invite by hitting “Join” on the pop-up or the headphones in the sidebar. You could be invited or not, it's all fine.
When you enter a Slack Huddle, connect with your team actively. Let's walk through how to accept huddle invites and the available sharing and video features.
Step into a huddle is a breeze. Press on “Join” on the pop-up or the headphones in the sidebar. Missed the initial pop-up invite? No biggie! Click the channel or private chat where the huddle is at, you can still jump right in.
Dive into Slack Huddles more! As you use it more, you'll get used to this cool new chat style. Don't waste any time to chime in and spread your knowledge!
Sharing screens and starting videos is hassle-free in Slack Huddles. It's a boon, particularly when you're mobile or hooked to the slack desktop app.
Hit the screen share button and pick your preference to share your screen. Flicking your video on requires a simple camera icon click in a huddle. There's more! Click on the dots icon for extra options.
Get closer with your team using these tricks. They promote superb understanding and optimal teamwork. So, bring these handy tools into your next Huddle discussion!
To bring others to your huddle, click the person picture near your profile. Look out for the users to add. You could also share a huddle link.
The more you use Slack Huddles, the more you'll uncover ways to run and tweak them for even better talks. Try note taking, real-time conversations via huddle threads, and witty emojis.
Huddle threads can be used for note taking and sharing resources while in talk-mode. To reach the huddle thread, click the threads button in the huddle view. Using huddle threads captures main points and alerts your team in the now, keeping everyone on the same page.
Huddle threads are handy. They let you look at old conversations and tools once the huddle's done, like having your own chat history. This helps you recall past chats and check how your team's doing.
Apart from sharing info and working together via huddle threads, Slack Huddles offer a fun way to talk to your team using reactions and emojis.
Want to make your Slack Huddle fun and express yourself without texting? Add in emojis, effects, or stickers. Just click or tap on the message you want to react to, then pick your emoji from the options shown.
Non-verbal communication can make your huddles richer. It makes them more engaging and active for everyone. So go for it, be creative and improve your huddles with slack emojis and reactions!
Here's how to wrap up a Slack Huddle:
If you've got the required rights in your Slack workspace, you can even choose to shut off huddles for certain channels. This is useful if you want to keep a more organized communication setup in some channels.
Both Slack Huddles and traditional video calls offer ways to communicate within halp Slack. However, some differences set them apart.
For instance, Slack Huddles have a more off-the-cuff feel with no preplanned discussion topics. This makes the conversation more informal. Yet, traditional video calls often have a preset agenda and an already established participant list.
Choosing Slack Huddles over traditional video calls may offer certain benefits. By focusing on audio, these chats can lessen video fatigue. This creates an audio chat environment and lets teams connect more easily without the anxiety of being on camera.
Moreover, Slack Huddles promote genuine real-time interaction among teammates. That said, traditional video calls can still be very useful when vision is essential, like during presentations or idea-sharing sessions.
If you want a link to a Slack Huddle, open the chat you want to join, then click the circle next to the headphone button. Next, click 'Copy Huddle link' and share it as you please. For those using mobile devices, tap the three-dot icon in the Huddle and get the link from there.
Click on the Huddle icon at the top right corner of a DM or channel to initiate a huddle. You then add people by tapping on the icon to include folks. Exiting the huddle involves turning off the headphones icon positioned at the sidebar's bottom left.
Indeed, third-party tools allow Slack Huddles recording.