Speed Your Deal Desk, Sales and Revenue Operations with Suptask

Suptask revolutionizes ticket management by bringing it directly into your Slack workspace. Ideal for Sales, RevenueOps, and Deal Desk teams, our tool enhances efficiency, collaboration, and data security, ensuring your sales pipeline flows smoothly.

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Stories from Our Finance Professionals

Sales Manager

"Suptask revolutionized our Sales team. We're quicker, better. It meshes perfectly with Slack. Streamlining our work. Boosting our sales pipeline management!"

Director of Revenue Operations

"Suptask changed our RevenueOps team's function. Dashboard analytics and personalized tickets? Invaluable! "

Deal Desk Coordinator

"My work? Handling intricate deals, safeguarding sensitive data. Suptask's secure, team-friendly features in Slack are a lifesaver. Faster, safer deals - it's more than a tool, it's our partner."

Seamless Integration with Your Workflow

Suptask integrates effortlessly with your existing tools and processes, ensuring no disruption to your workflow. It syncs with major platforms like Salesforce, enhancing your CRM experience.

  • Direct Slack Integration: Receive and manage tickets without leaving your Slack workspace.
  • Sales Process Compatibility: Seamlessly align with your existing sales operations. .
  • Effortless Transition: Integrate Suptask into your current processes without hassle.

Enhanced Team Collaboration

Facilitate real-time collaboration within your team. Suptask allows you to create, discuss, and resolve tickets directly through Slack, fostering a more cohesive team environment.

  • DM to Ticket Creation: Easily convert Direct Messages into tickets.
  • Collaborative Ticket Resolution: Work together within Slack to resolve tickets.
  • Private Ticket Options: Manage sensitive information securely within your team.
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Customized Ticket Management

Tailor your ticketing experience. With Suptask, customize ticket forms, fields, and views to align with your specific sales stages and team structure.

  • Custom Ticket Forms: Create forms that meet your unique business requirements.
  • Favorite Web Views: Access customized web views for a personalized ticketing experience.
  • Overview Tickets in Slack: Get a comprehensive view of all tickets directly in Slack.
IT Help desk analytics and dashboard

Data-Driven Decision Making

Make informed decisions with Suptask's dashboard analytics and KPI metrics. Receive email reports and gain insights into your team's performance and sales progress.

  • Dashboard Analytics: Track and analyze key performance indicators.
  • Email Reports: Get regular updates on ticket status and team performance.
  • Insightful Metrics: Use data to optimize your sales and operational strategies.

Key Features for Your Teams


Automate your ticketing with smart rules to improve the ticketing efficiency.


Streamline approval processes within your ticketing system.


Keep relevant team members in the loop on ticket progress.

Smart & Interactive SLAs

Ensure timely responses and resolutions with automated SLA tracking.

Email Integration

Handle tickets coming in via email but on Slack. A new way to chat!

Feature of Co-admins

Helps more than one team member control ticket handling duties.

Get Started with Suptask
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