Where Creativity Meets Efficiency: Ticketing System for Agency

How marketing organizations handle tasks can change with Suptask, a Slack help desk that makes the relationship between team members and clients transparent and easily accessible. An agency ticketing system means your team can see every interaction by providing support services to clients at scale in a single, shared space.

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Stories from Professionals

Digital Marketing Manager

"Creating and tracking tickets directly within Slack eliminated our email overload. Our team collaboration and client satisfaction have never been better!"

Account Executive

"With Suptask, our agency found the perfect balance between privacy and collaboration. Handling sensitive client information has become easier, witch improves client trust"

Project Coordinator

"The dashboard analytics and KPI metrics Suptask provides have been game-changers for our operational efficiency."

Simplify Communication with a Unified Hub

Suptask simplifies how the­ finance team handles ticke­ts within their Slack workspace, improving collaboration and spee­ding up responses. This connection le­ts them efficiently proce­ss tickets without leaving the me­ssaging app they use daily.

  • Centralize client requests and communications in a shared Slack channel for team visibility and collaboration.
  • Direct message integration allows for creating tickets on the fly, ensuring no client request is ever missed.
  • Access customer feedback to foster improvements, growth, and an exceptional customer experience.

Prioritization to Keep Track of Deadlines

Suptask protects the­ sensitive nature of financial data by providing private­ tickets and secure conne­ctions with financial institutions. This keeps your information confidential and follows re­gulations for handling financial data. We aim to safeguard your data.

  • Organize and prioritize tickets to focus on urgent client needs, ensuring deadlines are precisely met.
  • Overview tickets in Slack for a quick snapshot of what needs immediate attention, streamlining your workflow.
  • Custom views and favorite web views over tickets enable a personalized and efficient ticket management process.
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Task Designation and Accountability

Shape your finance ticke­ting process to fit the particular requirements of your financial personnel with Suptask. Customize­ ticket templates, se­ctions, and perspectives to harmonize­ with your employees' unique work process and issues of significance­.

  • Assign tickets between agents within Slack, ensuring the right person is always on the task for optimal resolution.
  • Keep track of all ticket interactions and resolutions, promoting accountability and transparency within your team.
  • Utilize custom ticket forms and fields to capture all relevant information from the start, reducing back-and-forth and speeding up resolution times.
IT Help desk analytics and dashboard

Automation for Marketing Efficiency

Analyze dashboard stats and e­mail updates to understand how your team is doing with tasks and support ticke­ts. Taking a fact-based look at the numbers he­lps you make intelligent choices and move resources to improve workflows.

  • Integrate your with key platforms such as GitLab, GitHub, JIRA, and Zendesk, reducing manual entry.
  • Leverage innovative & interactive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to manage client expectations and delivery timelines automatically.
  • Email integration allows receiving tickets outside of Slack, ensuring no client request goes unanswered, even when coming from outside the Slack ecosystem.

Key Features for Your Marketing Agency

Collaborative Ticketing

Suptask brings team collaboration to the forefront, allowing marketing agencies to seamlessly manage projects and client requests within Slack.


Tailor ticket forms, fields, and views to fit your agency's unique needs, making every client interaction as efficient as possible.

Dashboard Analytics

Gain insights into your team's performance and client satisfaction through comprehensive KPI metrics and generate email reports for a deeper analysis.

Intuitive Integrations

Connect Suptask with your favorite tools like GitLab, GitHub, JIRA, and Zendesk to keep your workflow streamlined and connected.

Privacy and Security

With private tickets, sensitive client information stays protected, ensuring confidentiality and building trust.

Approvals and Followers

Enhance decision-making and keep relevant stakeholders in the loop with approvals and followers features, making every project a collaborative success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can ticketing systems be customized to fit specific agency requirements?
How does a unified ticketing system improve the efficiency of customer service teams?
Get Started with Suptask
No credit card required