With Suptask, your Slack conversations are your tickets.

Escalations between team's is one of the most common scenarios that is happening on a daily basis inside of companies. One team creates a ticket for another team to connect the cases together and work to isolate and remediate the incident.

Suptask cuts down the number of steps required, aligns team’s closer to each other and uses the power of Slack to enable instant communication. All of this while still being completely inside of Slack where our solution provides a full blown ticketing system.

Example Scenario

  1. Support receives incoming request from customer
  2. Support team is asking around on Slack for advice and help 
  3. Support have started to message with IT Operations inside of #it-ops, to get help on the case

When the amount of incoming support requests are increasing, so does the number of messages and escalations to other team's. Slack is great for instant messaging but does not provide a structured ticketing solution. 

With Suptask

Support have several ways of working with Suptask. 

  • Support creates a ticket for IT Operations using Suptask within Slack. 
  • Support starts a conversation within #it-ops channel that later is escalated to a ticket using a message action like adding the ticket-emoji on the message, which simply converts the message to a ticket

IT Operations will now get notified about the ticket within the private remediation channel it-ops-respond. Here they discuss and work together to troubleshoot and come to a resolution.
All responses to the ticket are automatically mapped in the message threads allowing everyone to be notified and have visibility on the progress.


Support stays tightly engaged with IT Operations, enabling a frictionless co-operation that results in a much faster time-to-resolution for the customer support case that was sent in.

No need to use a legacy ticketing system as it all happens on Slack with Suptask.

Get Started with Suptask
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